Carpinteria Creek Steelhead Passage Project Management

Southeastern Santa Barbara County, CA

Report: Carpinteria Creek Watershed Plan 2005  12kb

Raya Road Crossing on Gobernador Creek will be removed and replaced with a bridge in 2008.

Stoecker Ecological was contracted to provide steelhead migration barrier project management and watershed plan development services to the Community Environmental Council and Carpinteria Creek Watershed Coalition. Efforts focused on landowner outreach and coordination for three fish passage improvement projects identified in an earlier SE report. Biological site assessment and restoration project prioritization was conducted to identify project alternatives and design scope. Management of project design planning occurred with project geomorphologists, hydrologists, and design engineers. All three fish passage projects are designed and scheduled for construction during 2008. Restoration recommendations for the groups Watershed Plan report were also produced.

Cate School road crossing barrier on upper Carpinteria Creek to be removed in 2008.
Bliss road crossing barrier on Carpinteria Creek due to be removed in 2008.
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